Saturday, November 8, 2008


Epic Games has hit a home run with Gears of War 2. This game takes everything that was done in the original (which was an instant classic in 2006) and does it again on a much larger scale. The added game play mechanics, excellent story, and improved multi-player make Gears of War 2 an instant contender for Game of the Year honors.

Marcus and Dom return from Gears of War. In this game, however, they are part of a much larger conflict that is often raging around you. The outstanding cover system has returned and the game play is improved in several areas. First, there is a larger variety of Locusts (the name of the enemy race in the series); these additions include multiple types of Boomers as well as the introductions of Brumaks into battle. Second, you can now use downed Locusts as a type of human shield. Finally, the much larger environments, and impressive set pieces, will leave you awe struck for much of the campaign.

Lack of story was one of the few criticisms levied against the original game. That problem has been rectified in Gears 2. The game gives you quite a bit of back story about Dom and begins to fill in further details about the history between Marcus and his father. Furthermore, you come to learn much more about the organization and motivations of the Locust.

The outstanding multiplayer of Gears returns with several improvements. In addition to new modes and new maps, you are now able to use bots to ensure an equal number of players on each team. Also, bot training matches are now available for those who are unfamiliar with the Gears multiplayer. The improvements to the outstanding multiplayer from Gears make this game likely to spinning in peoples’ Xbox 360s for quite some time.

Gears of war is a technological marvel. It’s impressive that so much could be packed on to a single DVD. The graphics are improved from the original and the larger scale of the game, again, impresses from start to end. One minor criticism could be that there was an occasional slowdown when we played the game in co-op mode. Given the level of size and detail, however, this is more than understandable.

Gears of War 2 is not only one of the best games of 2008, it is easily one of the best action/shooter games ever developed on any platform. This title should be purchased immediately and, if you do not own an Xbox 360, this title justifies purchasing one.

Grade: 9.9

Click here to buy Gears of War 2 on Amazon. Gears of War 2

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